Tuesday 31 July 2007

And you thought I was joking?

I've had a restful week so far.

In fact I've had a smashing week.

Not only have I been able to bask in the glory of my horticultural show successes - I had the photographer from the local paper round today - but the flippin' sun is out!

That's right I've been able to concentrate on some of the more pleasant gardening duties like a bit of mowing, a bit of pruning - and a bit of sitting watching my pride and joy with a glass of Spitfire in my hand!

And I've also been enjoying the fruit of my labours having dug up some more onions and some spuds which went well with a lovely bit of purple sprouting which I thought I'd lost to the rain!

And enjoying my tea whilst sat in the garden last night - for the first time this summer, the Long Suffering brought tea into the garden! - I was browsing through the papers when I came across this little story here.

This gardening business is serious stuff you know!

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